
Our experienced team of experts evaluates projects, programs, organisational structures as well as developmental policy instruments and sectors for you. Our work is based on professional evaluation standards as stipulated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the German Society for Evaluation (DeGEval). In evaluations for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) we consider the success factors of Capacity WORKS.

In close cooperation with our client, and depending on the nature and complexity of the subject to be evaluated, we

  • set up a technically and methodically well-versed evaluation team
  • develop a clear evaluation matrix with all questions, evaluation criteria and relevant hypotheses
  • provide the necessary “backstopping” and quality management with regards to specifications and standards set by our client
  • organise country studies and other case studies
  • use a mix of quantitative and qualitative data-collection methods
  • facilitate inception and debriefing workshops
  • compile preparatory reports (inception reports, desk-study reports); intermediate or case study reports; as well as final or synthesis reports as required
  • accompany the follow-up process to the evaluation if requested

We plan our evaluations as a participatory process, which allows evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations to be of greatest common benefit. Our experience shows that the involvement of staff, representatives of target groups, as well as partners and clients leads to better acceptance and ownership of the evaluation results.

We ensure participation through

  • briefings & debriefings
  • joint reflection workshops
  • structured rounds of feedback on reports from concerned persons
  • preparation and – if required – support of a management response