Results-oriented Monitoring
We develop a tailor-made monitoring system in close cooperation with you and according to your needs. This is a process-oriented form of guidance. The successful implementation of results-oriented monitoring requires the involvement and cooperation of all stakeholders involved.
Jointly developed monitoring systems should be of benefit and practical for you and your organisation. To this aim we carefully consider the information needs of all persons in steering positions – for example the proper form and content of monitoring reports. Naturally we take into consideration the levels of technical and occupational proficiency of all persons commissioned with the monitoring task at hand.
In the process
- we check the quality of planning with respect to results-logic, basic assumptions, as well as risks – and make adjustments if necessary
- we develop or revise complete, comprehensive and measurable indicators and derive the data to be collected
- we include cross-cutting issues such as Gender
- we design monitoring plans which define responsibilities and timing for necessary surveys and data processing and analysis
- we determine composition and size of samples
- we develop tools for data collection (checklists, interview guidelines, qualitative instruments) and data analysis (data processing sheets)
- we support the implementation of data collection and data analysis, or if need be, implement these ourselves
- we supervise ongoing monitoring activities and identify necessary adjustments and improvements
- we develop, if necessary, monitoring guidelines, and provide training for implementation
- we accompany the processes of reviewing monitoring results and deriving steering measures and learning processes among stakeholders